A foggy, wintery morning as we have today, it described exactly what Isaac Bashevis Singer wrote about his home country Poland. I came across his books during my first months in Sweden; in early 80's. Today, I recall my early years here in Sweden and could feel a bit of melancholy that swept in me.
It's almost 3 decades now has passed but it's so amazing that it feels just like yesterday. Yes, time flies so fast!!
It is still fresh in my mind, how I struggled with my young life here in Sweden as if everyday was a challenge! Getting-up as early as five o'clock was the usual routine. It could be minus 15 degrees but had to exert effort very hard to catch-up the bus, go to school, work in the office, taking up driving-license, grocery, cooking etc. The most difficult thing to adjust was the darkness! It doesn't matter if it´s 8 o'clock in the morning or 3 o'clock in the afternoon, it feels all the same as if it's in the middle of the night!
And of course I missed my family very much! My mother who worried so much for my then ill father and my sister Manang Emilia who just got a baby boy! Talking to them by phone was a luxurious moment. Those were the times for humble, snail-mails was much appreciated! It took 2-3 weeks to arrive and I have to wait almost 6 weeks before my questions were answered! Guess how many times I had manage to read the same letter before I received the next one.... Thanks to internet and sms nowadays!!!!
How I survived it all, was just actually for me a piece of cake! Everything was so easy when you are truly in love and being loved.... That's right, to those who just make a big step and start a new life with a partner "true" love is a must where trust, hope, honesty are build of. I can not thank enough that blissful day I met my husband almost 30 years ago...... and make me into wife and a mother. Maturity and youthful outlook is going hand by hands these days but insecurity is almost gone....
Tomorrow, we are going to Lund with Emmy's furnitures for her new students apartment! I have to do my workout now so that I have strength to help my husband for heavy lifts the next day....
Old letters from early 80's
My parents and their first grandchild!
With my classmates at Silliman University
Manang Emilia & me in Baguio City
With my cousin Beng, now she's living in Spain

My newly found "family" in Sweden

At the Christmas party in Örebro, is it you, Ulla?

Right, he is the "one" my Olle!